The financial assistance organizations listed are not affiliated with or employed by Veteran Warriors. Veteran Warriors is not responsible for any actions, inactions, or contact with any party listed. Choosing Financial Assistance is a difficult and personal process. Those listed here are done so only as referrals. Veteran Warriors receives no compensation for these referrals.
Veteran Warriors does not provide or imply any warranty or guarantee of assistance or service by any organization listed herein. Veteran Warriors is not affiliated and does not receive compensation from any company listed. We have verified the legal standing of each company listed but can in no way validate any claims they make as to performance. Any use of any organization listed is done so at your own risk. As with any legal or financial decision, we strongly recommend you do your own research on any organization you select and be aware of all laws governing their work. Veteran Warriors will in no way compensate or reimburse any member for any losses as a result of these referrals.
Emergency Financial Assistance
Financial Assistance
Holiday/Christmas Financial Assistance
Holiday/Christmas Financial Assistance
Believe with Me Our American Gold Star Christmas project gives grateful Americans the opportunity to let our Gold Star kids know that they are remembered during the challenging Christmas season.
Boot Campaign's Santa Boots Surprising deserving military families with holiday gifts from our community of grateful Americans.
Freedom Alliance Presents for Patriots Christmas is a beautiful, but stressful, season for many in our Armed Forces. We help by providing gifts to the children of military families who are struggling with combat wounds and service-related injuries. We help the families of wounded troops make Christmas a joyous time with a message of appreciation for their service and sacrifice. The program is open to combat-injured active-duty service members and veterans who have been wounded in Afghanistan, Iraq, or in support of the Global War on Terror and are experiencing financial hardships.
Full Circle Home Our service men and women are doing more than their part. They need and deserve all the care packages, love and support that we can give. But at Christmas and Mother's Day, they want to send their love back – back to their wives, fiancés, girlfriends and moms. This program is designed to let our heroes be heroes yet again, by allowing them to send their holiday gifts and a love note to their quiet hero at home. This is accomplished through the generosity and appreciation of businesses and individuals who sponsor a servicemen's gifts home.
Hearts of Patriots Holidays can be a critical time for spouses and families of PTSD veterans ​suffering from invisible wounds of war. With young children and veterans, unable to handle holiday crowds, many caregivers add extra shopping and planning to their To Do list hoping to make the holidays memorable for their families. While other families are out looking for that perfect gift for their wives or husband, our PTSD veterans feel overwhelmed and trapped, remaining in the safety of their homes. On Christmas morning, or during Hanukkah, it is the caregiver who often doesn't receive a gift. The goal in helping these veteran families is to show America's gratitude with a gift for the caregiver and a grocery gift card or prepaid VISA card to help them purchase their holiday dinner and trimmings. This is a wonderful way to say "Thank You" to these amazing caregivers.
Hope for the Warriors Holiday Giving Initiative Be a spark of HOPE this holiday season by donating to or adopting a family through our Holiday Giving Initiative. You can become Santa and help us provide gifts to brighten a military child's day. This national program is open to post-9/11 wounded or Gold Star military families that are struggling financially during the holidays. Each service member referred to the Holiday Giving Initiative has completed the Hope For The Warriors application process and has been contacted by our Critical Care team. The application process can be completed on our website. Upon referral, the families are asked to complete a wish list for each child under the age of 18. The wish lists are then provided to interested donors to fulfill.
Operation Homefront and Dollar Tree Holiday Toy Drive Looking forward to Operation Homefront's 2022 HOLIDAY TOY DRIVE as we distribute toys and gift cards to hundreds of military kids! Millions of toys were donated at Dollar Tree stores nationwide. These items and other holiday gifts were distributed, through our events and local FRGs and community events, to our most junior service members to show our Nation’s appreciation and supplement the family holiday.
Operation Once in a Lifetime Toys for Troops The holidays are fast approaching and Operation Once in a Lifetime receives thousands of requests from active military families and military veteran families needing a little hand up and help for the holidays. These requests vary from families needing help with toys, meals, and help to get home for the holidays, especially from those families stationed overseas. Help us help those that have sacrificed so much for others. You can donate online, as well as donate toys at our various drop-off locations. Donations are tax-deductible. For more information on how you can help, to find the nearest Toys For Troops drop-off location, or to donate airline miles to help fly service members home for the holidays, please email staff@operationonceinalifetime.com.
Operation Saint Nick (Operation One Voice) Operation Saint Nick provides $100.00 gift cards to up to 360 Special Operations Forces families with financial needs during the holiday season.
Operation Toy Soldier Operation Toy Soldier is a nationwide initiative by Veterans Funeral Care to provide toys to the children of deployed and non-deployed soldiers, and also the children of soldiers that have just returned home. On our website, we have listed all of the participating Veterans Funeral Care affiliates will be listed along with event pictures, drop-off locations, etc. It is very important to us that you understand that even though Operation Toy Soldier is a nationwide toy drive, all the toys you donate STAY LOCAL.
Operation Ward 57 Holidays can be particularly difficult for patients who are unable to leave the wards or hospital. OPW57 creates morale and spirit-boosting events and gifts for patients, families, and staff. With your support, we have been able to provide live music directly on the ward and for outpatient families, flowers, hot catered meals, gift bags, toys, gift baskets, and more throughout the year.
Operation Ward 57 Adopt A Wounded Warrior/Gold Star Family 2022 Our goal is to help wounded/ill/injured (WII) warrior military families and gold star families in need with Christmas and Hanukkah presents for their children, along with a grocery gift card or prepaid Visa gift card for the family to purchase their holiday dinner and trimmings. This is a great way to connect one on one with WII warrior military families or gold star families to offer a special Thank You this holiday season by providing food and gifts.
Project Lifting Spirits Veterans' Santas - Often, when a troop is wounded, the one thing they really miss being able to do is to provide a gift for their own child. We will be trying to see to it that every wounded service member in our area has a gift on hand to give his/her child when they come to visit "Daddy" or "Mommy" at the hospital. We will offer this year-round, so the service member has a gift for that all-important first visit with their child after returning home, for the child's birthday, and of course at Christmas.
Soldiers' Angels Registration to adopt a family for the 2022 holiday season is now OPEN! Looking to spread holiday cheer? Support military and veteran families through Soldiers’ Angels Adopt-A-Family. Provide gifts for the children and a grocery gift card for the family to put towards their holiday meal.
Toys for Little Troops (based in Raleigh, NC with outreach to various military installations) Toys For Lil Troops is a program that was founded by our very own Marine Veteran, SSgt Stan Pinkus. He wanted to create a toy program that provided toys specifically to the children of low-income and/or deployed troops. Every year, the US Veterans Corps delivers these toys to local military installations including, but not limited to, Fort Bragg, Camp LeJeune, Fort Lee, Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City, Ft Meade, Ft Stewart, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, Shaw Air Force Base, Eglin Air Force Base, Reserves, National Guard, and many other locations. We also deliver toys year-round to the children of veteran and first responder families in need through the Shop with a Cop and Shop with a Sheriff program.
Toys for Tots Since 1947 the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve program has distributed more than 627 million toys to more than 281 million children. This program is open to all children in the community, including military kids. Families can select their state from the "Request A Toy" tab to learn about how to sign up for the program.
USO Your local USO may have holiday programs that may include free meals, entertainment, and toys for military families. Holiday festivities may include Thanksgiving dinner, breakfast with Santa, Christmas dinner, holiday food baskets, toy drives, food pantries, and more.